Godparents & Sponsors
It is not only an honor to be a godparent/sponsor for a child at Baptism/Confirmation, it is also a great responsibility. Godparents/sponsors promise to help the parents rear the child in the Catholic faith. That means that godparents/sponsors must also be Catholic in order to fulfill their responsibilities. Below is some information to help you choose a godparent/sponsor for your child:
For Baptism, every child must have at least one godparent. If there are two godparents, one should be a male and one should be a female.
A godparent/sponsor should be a Sacramentally Confirmed Catholic.
A godparent/sponsor should be at least 16 years old.
A godparent/sponsor may not be the mother or father of the child to be baptized.
If you have any questions, please contact Kathy Planchet at the parish office, 603.224.2328 or kathy@christthekingnh.org.